Saturday, January 20, 2007

Civilians With AK-47s are Not Civilians

Nice words from Montana Gramps. But the "civilian" Iraqi population he wants to protect IS the problem. That’s where the religious fanatics come from.

He makes it sound like there are four major groups: the Shiites, the Sunnis, the Kurds and the civilians. Nay-nay, grizzly-breath. The "civilians" we're protecting in Iraq are also the sectarian fighters and insurgents. Trying to separate the minority of innocent, American-loving civilians from the hoards of Islamic zealots willing to fight and die for their flavor of religion is impossible and naïve.

The vast majority of Iraqis don’t want us there and the vast majority insist that our presence INCREASES violence. This is a no-brainer. Say bye-bye.

Guard the boarders; guard the oil fields; offer air support; drop smart bombs. Invest, rebuild and advise. But get our sons and daughters off the streets in flimsy Humvees, offering apple pie to armed, pissed-off Iraqis who want a religious, sectarian government and will kill us to get it.

Painful Pundit


Montana_Gramps said...

It would be interesting to know whether or not there is a sizable segment of Iraqis that want peace. Is it a minority as you claim or do the insurgent's and jihadist and other waring factions constitute a small (but dangerous) minority?

I don't have the answer but apparently you do. On what evidence do you base your claim?


Painful Pundit said...

I think the majority of humans want peace, but the devil is in the details. Osama wants peace, he just wants it on his terms. So, a poll that shows XX-percentage of Iraqis want peace is meaningless. The relevant question is, and always will be, what are they willing to do, or not do, for peace.

What specific claim are you referring to? That a majority of Iraqis don't want us there and a majority think we're doing more harm than good? Those polls have been widely reported. I can hunt for the source, but I don't see the point. Do you dispute that?

Certainly, the actual anti-American combatants are a minority of Iraq's population, but they represent religious and political sentiments that cover the bulk of the population.

Painful Pundit